Site To Site VPN Between AWS and SonicWALL

VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology can help to create and encrypt a connection between LAN networks over the Internet. Also, local resource either on AWS or behind SonicWALL can be accessed securely through Site to Site VPN.

In this blog, we are showing how to create a VPN between AWS and SonicWALL UTM.

Create and configure VPN :

1. Login to AWS account.
2. Open Services then select VPC.

AWS account interface

3. To create new VPC, this will act as mater subnet, click Your VPCs then hit Create VPC.

Create new VPC

4. Put relevant Name tag, put IP in IPv4 CIDR block, no IPv6, and Tenancy as Default and click the button YesCreate.

IPv4 CIDR block

5. Now go to Subnets and click Create Subnet.


6. Put relevant Name tagSelect VPC created earlierAvailability Zone, mention required IPv4 CIDR block and click the button YesCreate.

Hint : IPv4 CIDR block can be any subset of VPC subnet or it could be same as VPC subnet.

IPv4 CIDR block

7. Go to Customer Gateways and click on Create Customer Gateway.

Create Customer Gateway

8. Put relevant Name, select Routing as Static, put IP device as IP Address and click Create Customer Gateway.

 IP Address and click Create Customer Gateway

9. Go to Virtual Private Gateways and click Create Virtual Private Gateway.

Virtual Private Gateway

10. Put relevant Name, select Amazon default ASN and click button Create Virtual Private Gateway.

Amazon default ASN and click button Create Virtual Private Gateway

11. Go to VPN Connections and click Create VPN Connection.

click Create VPN Connection

12.  Mention relevant Name tag and select the Virtual Private Gateway created in step 10.

select the Virtual Private Gateway created

13. Now select Customer Gateway as Existing and select the Customer Gateway ID which was created in step 8.

Customer Gateway ID

14. Select Routing Options as Static.

15. Mention internal network (LAN) behind the SonicWALL as Static IP Prefixes. This will create routes to the network behind the SonicWALL.

network behind the SonicWALL

16. Leave the Tunnel Options blank and click Create VPN Connection, AWS will generate these for you.

Create VPN Connection

17. Now go to Route Tables > Select the required Route Table > under the tab Route Propagation > click Edit.

Route Tables

18. Enable route propagation for Virtual Private Gateway by putting check mark and click Save.

Virtual Private Gateway

19. Go to VPN Connections > Select required VPN and Select Download Configuration.

VPN Connections

20. On the Download Configuration window, select Vendor as GenericPlatform as Generic, and Software as Vendor Agnostic and click Download button.

Download Configuration window

NOTE: Download the file and open it in any text editor software, Notepad++ recommended.

21. Now login to SonicWALL Web console and create address object for AWS subnet (AWS VPC).

SonicWALL Web console

22.  Navigate to VPN > Settings and click Add.

Navigate to VPN

23. Under General TabPolicy Type as Site to SiteAuthentication Method as PSK, any relevant name.

24. Go back to the AWS VPN file, navigate to section “IPSec Tunnel #1”, search for “Virtual Private Gateway” and copy the IP to IPsec Primary Gateway.

25. Under section “IPSec Tunnel #1”, search for “Pre-Shared Key” and copy the key as Shared Secret.


26. Go to tab Network.

27. Select Any address for Local Networks and select the AWS subnet (created in step 23) as destination network.

Note : It is compulsory to select the local networks as Any address, else traffic will not pass. Verified on SonicOS Enhanced


28. Go to Proposals tab, select Main Mode for Exchange.

29. Go back to the AWS VPN file, under section “IPSec Tunnel #1”, search for “DiffieHellman” and match the same on SonicWALL.

30. Search for “Encryption Algorithm”, “Authentication Algorithm” and “Lifetime” and match the same on SonicWALL.

Authentication Algorithm


31. For “Ipsec (Phase 2) Proposal”, Go back to the AWS VPN file, under section “#2: IPSec Configuration”, search for “Protocol”, “Encryption Algorithm”, “Authentication Algorithm” and match the same on SonicWALL.


32. In SonicWALL enable Perfect Forward Secrecy and search for “Perfect Forward Secrecy” in AWS file, and match the DH Group on SonicWALL.

33. Search for “Lifetime” in AWS file, and match the same on SonicWALL.

34. Click OK to create the Tunnel.

35. To Verify go to VPN > Settings and check for Green mark, access the traffic between the sites.

VPN security